CLASS Swimmers Coast To Excellence At Short Course Coastal Championships

Adrian Dinis

CLASS Swimmers Coast To Excellence At Short Course Coastal Championships


Ventura – CLASS swimmers once again dealt with less then desirable conditions and once again, persevered and rose above the obstacles in their way.  CLASS swimmers showed serious improvements despite temperatures in the 40’s and rain being a constant threat.  


Kiani Abrums (11) dropped over 1.5 seconds in the 50 Breast and stayed right on her best time in the 50 Free.  She was also a part of an 11-12 relay that placed 9th Place overall in the 200 Medley Relay.

Jackie Ahn (12) dropped almost 9 seconds in the 200 IM, dropped over a second in the 50 Fly, dropped over 2.5 seconds in the 100 IM, dropped over 1.5 seconds in the 100 Fly, and was a key cog in two 11-12 winning relays.  

Ava Buschmann (9) dropped  over 1.5 seconds in the 50 Fly and 50 Back, respectively, and dropped half of a second in the 50 Free.

Erik Buschmann (10) placed Top 5 in every event he swam, solidifying himself as one of the top 10un in the area.  He dropped almost 2 full seconds in the 100 Free and dropped almost a full second in the 50 Fly.

Owen Campbell (10) placed 4th in the OPEN 200 Breast as a 10 year old, which is impressive!  He also dropped 6 seconds in the event.  He dropped over 13 seconds in the 100 Fly, dropped over 3 seconds in the 100 IM.  He also placed Top 3 in every other event he swam, including 3 events that he won outright.  

Scott Campbell (12) dropped almost 4 full seconds in the 200 Breast, dropped  2 full seconds in the 100 Fly, and dropped almost 3 seconds in the 200 Fly.

Chloe Cheevers (15) had a great prep meet leading up to Sectionals.  She earned a season best swim in the 200 Breast, dropping over 10 seconds from Prelims to Finals.  She also earned a season best in her 100 Breast, where she dropped over 4 seconds from Prelims to Finals.

EKaterina Fedorchak (11) dropped almost 2 full seconds in the 50 Back, dropped a second in the 50 Breast, and swam a strong Breast leg in the 11-12 Girls B 200 Medley Relay, which finished 9th overall.  

Max Fedorchak (14) dropped almost 1.5 seconds in the 100 Free while also dropping over a second in the 100 Fly.

Kai Ford (11) dropped over 7 seconds in the 200 IM and stayed right on her time in the 50 Free.  

Olivia Friedman (15) swam a strong 100 Back, keeping her time around the 1:10 mark.  

Olivia Green (15) also swam a strong 100 Back, keeping her time around the 1:11 mark.  

Victoria Hawk (15) had herself a weekend!  She dropped over 10 seconds in the 200 Fly, dropped almost 2 full seconds in the 100 Fly, and finished the meet off with a solid 1650 Free, where she dropped almost 7 full seconds from her entry time.  

Adriana Hein (10) made Finals in the 100 Breast during her first swim meet and even got within striking distance of JAG cuts in both Breast events!  She did awesome!

Oliver Hitch (15) put forth solid swims in both the 100 Breast as well as the 100 Back.  

Lucy Hoffmann (12) dropped almost a full second in the 100 IM and was the lead off leg for the 9th Place 11-12 B 200 Medley Relay.

Krista Hohler (15) dropped a few tenths in her 50 Free, along with some gutsy swims in the 200 Fly and 200 Back.  

Isabella Karas (10) dropped over 4 full seconds in her 100 Free, putting her within striking distance of Summer Junior Olympic cuts.  

Alia Lau (11) dropped over 2 seconds in the 100 Free, dropped almost a full second in the 50 Free, and swam the fly leg in the 9th Place 11-12 B 200 Medley Relay.

Ryan Lozano (20) put together a great race plan and dropped almost half of a second in the 200 Free.

Andy Melekhov (12) dropped almost 4 full seconds in the 100 Breast, dropped over half of a second in both the 50 Free and 50 Breast, dropped over a second in the 50 Back, and dropped over 2 seconds in the 100 Free.  

Kylie Melekhov (12) dropped over 2 seconds in her 100 Breast, dropped almost 2 seconds in her 50 Fly, dropped over 3 seconds in the 100 Free and was on both 11-12 Relays that placed 1st.  

Noah Moreno (14) dropped over a second in both his 200 Free and 100 Free.

Grace Nackers (12) had a breakthrough meet, dropping over 4 seconds in the 200 IM, dropping an eye popping 5 seconds in her 200 Breast, and dropping an astonishing 15 seconds in her 1650 Free.  

Grady Nackers (10) dropped over 2 seconds in the 100 Breast and was swam the Breast leg of the 3rd Place 10un Boys 200 Medley Relay.

Connor Overton (15) secured a top 3 finish in the 200 Back, dropping half of a second from his Prelims time.  

Azim Stack (15) had one of the best meets of his life, dropping 2 seconds in the 200 Free, dropping 5 seconds in the 100 Back, dropping another 4 seconds in the 100 Free and an impressive 14 seconds in his 200 Back!  Great job Azim!

Sophie Sullivan (11) dropped over 7 seconds in her 200 IM and dropped over 2.5 seconds in her 100 Breast.  

Nathaniel Tsai (8) did a fantastic job in both his 50 Breast and 50 Back and was the Freestyle anchor leg of CLASS Aquatics’ 10un Boys 3rd Place 200 Medley Relay.  Great job Nathaniel!

Jennie Wang (13) had herself a fantastic meet, dropping time in all three events she swam, including a huge 15.5 second drop in her 200 Breast and dropping over 1.5 seconds in the 50 Free.  

Unna Yuvavanich (12) dropped almost half of a second in the 200 Free and 200 Back and was a part in two different 11-12 Girls winning relays.