Reminder from VAC Management
Dear CDSC Families,
Please find attached reminders from VAC Staff! We would like to ensure that we are respectful to the rules and expectations of the pool as a respectful user group!
A reminder as well of the NO VIDEOTAPING Policy anytime.
Thank you
CDSC Staff
Before the practice:
- Drop off to the practice strictly in the parking lot - never in the accessible parking zone.
- To maintain facility safety and to deter trespassers, we ask you to check in with the cashier during operational hours, enter pool deck down the east staircase and through the changing rooms. Please do not use the stairs by the bleachers.
- Please take your outdoor shoes off on the pool deck.
- When your rental time is during non-operational hours (closed to public), please ask your club members to arrive for practice on time. Staff will shut the gate and the east deck entrance 10 minutes after the rental starts to deter trespassers. If there are different groups rotating through, please ask the coaches or a designated person from your group to close the gate and door 10 minutes after the new session begins.
During the practice:
- When your rental time is during non-operational hours, the spectating parents are never to unlock the front lobby door and never let anyone in or out from the lobby door. In addition, the east deck door is to be closed during your rental time. If you wish to leave the facility during the practice, please shut the door behind you. There will need to be a designated person to monitor the door if the club agrees for the parents to come and go during the practice.
After the practice:
- if the club members wish to use the facility (hot tub, sauna, fitness centre, additional pool time) before or after the practice, they will need to pay admission. Please remind your members that their membership only covers the club practice. Full admission will apply for using the fitness centre and additional pool time. 50% admission will apply for the hot zone.
- Exit the facility via the lobby door during public hours – do not exit through the fitness centre or the east deck door.
- When the rental time is outside of operational hours, make sure the exit door and the gate is securely closed behind you.
- Pick up from the practice strictly in the parking lot - never in the accessible parking zone.
VAC staff are doing our best to maintain facility safety and cleanliness for your protection. Your cooperation is paramount to making VAC a great training facility for our growing athletes and adults with lifelong passion for swimming.