- T-shirts and caps: Every swimmer will be required to wear a CDSC t-shirt to and from practice, and a CDSC cap in the pool. To purchase a t-shirt ($17) or a cap ($16), please visit our office in the VAC lobby on Tuesdays or Thursdays between 5 and 6:00 pm to purchase these items. Your account will be charged for the item(s). Team kickboards ($42), toques ($10), mesh bags ($15), and towels ($20) are also available. New swimmers will be charged for a t-shirt, cap, mesh bag, and kickboard automatically.
- Backpacks and Parkas: You can order your team Backpacks and Parkas online directly from our supplier, Team Aquatic Supplies. Click here. The Username is CDSC, Password is CAN314SM08RG.
- New Swimmer Kit: New swimmers will have to purchase a gear kit, including a t-shirt and cap, kickboard, and mesh bag, available from our pool office.
- Team Swim Suits: We will place an order for team training suits in November.
- Hoodies, Sweatpants: Other team gear, such as hoodies, sweatpants, long sleeve shirts, and other accessories (including red officials shirts for parents) can be ordered by visiting our online store.