Swimmer Code of Conduct

This code outlines the expectations regarding, and discipline resulting from, inappropriate behaviour of members of the Canadian Dolphin Swim Club on tour, at training, at meets, and during any club functions. It is stated in response to the requirement by SNC to clearly identify the penalties or sanctions that will be imposed if required. This code must fulfill two basic requirements: 1) the direction must be clearly communicated to all team members and 2) the penalties must fit the degree of inappropriate behavior.

As applicable, all swimmers are required to:

  1. Prepare to do their best performance – prepare physically and mentally.
  2. Maintain high standards of behavior, politeness and sportsmanship at all times.
  3. Obey curfews and schedules, and punctually attend all team meetings.
  4. Keep all team areas, including sleeping areas, neat, clean, and orderly.
  5. Abide by the standard that: Use of alcoholic beverages is PROHIBITED.
  6. Abide by the standard that: Use of drugs banned or restricted by the IOC, FINA, SNC or any Act of Parliament is PROHIBITED.
  7. Acknowledge that injury or illness, which in the opinion of the Coach, may compromise one's ability to perform to one's best, may result in one's removal from the team.

Inappropriate behaviour includes, but is not limited to:

  • Curfew violations.
  • Unsportsmanlike conduct and/or bullying.
  • Public misconduct.
  • Use of alcohol and/or drugs. (as defined in 5 and 6 above)
  • Possession of alcohol and/or drugs.
  • Sexual activity.

Any contravention of the above will be dealt with in accordance with the CDSC disciplinary and review policies established and published from time to time and may result in any or all the of the following:

  1. Verbal warning.
  2. Written warning.
  3. Loss of privileges, confined to dorm/room.
  4. Suspension from current or future competition or training.
  5. Removal from team and being sent home at the swimmer’s own risk, the swimmer bearing any extra cost that may arise.
  6. Suspension of all or any portion of SNC, Swim BC,  and/or CDSC funding.
  7. Suspension from designated SNC, Swim BC, and/or CDSC  teams and/or competitions.

Swimmers, Parents, Coaches and Volunteers are also bound by the SWIM BC CODE OF CONDUCT AND ETHICS POLICY, which will supercede the CDSC Swimmer Code of Conduct in the event of a conflict in terms.